Friday, September 16, 2011


(Not to me or mine - don't freak out, Mom!)

I never blog about the news - that's what the media is for - but this one is literally so close to home.  We live about five miles from Reno-Stead airport, and every year they have air races.  I kinda worry about a plane crashing on my house, but it's far back in the ranks of worries, like a big earthquake or a wildfire.  Well, tonight a P-51 crashed into the stands on the last race of the night.  Apparently it's pretty bad.  My heart goes out to the victims.

Volunteering at the


  1. So scary to have something like that happen so close to home. Good thoughts to all out that way.

  2. I'm just reading about this. OMG. What a tragic accident. Praying for everyone involved.

  3. i heard this on the radio this morning. it's not often anything that happens in america makes the news here (besides what obama is up to).

  4. Funder--I have friends that attend that event every year. They were there at the time, but are fine. I was so scared until I reached them. And my thoughts are with the families and friends of those who were injured and/or died.

  5. A bad deal indeed ! We've been so busy with people and horses I had no idea about this until just a few minutes ago.

  6. How awful! My heart goes out to all affected.

  7. I heard about this earlier today and some of the details were a little too descriptive for me... so tragic.

  8. Just saw the video while I was at the gym, that was pretty awful. Nine dead.

  9. They're always so exciting to watch - until tragedy strikes...


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