Saturday, December 12, 2009

AareneX's right

It's a curse word. Look at all the sn*w!


  1. I'm not a math major, (nor do I portray one on television), but do I discern a minimum of SEVEN INCHES new accumulation for you in the next few days???!!

    I don't think even I could cuss at that much sn*w--I think my face would freeze shut!

  2. Zach, I can't even get out to SEE my horse! Waaaahhhh!

    Aarene - plus the 2 or 3 we got last night and early this morning. :(

  3. sorry Fund!
    I'd hate that...did hate it last year and this year I am further from the mare...but today..the sun is out and I need to get out there soon...just realxing for a spell- after a week of H_ _ _!
    Wonder if it'll come this way? I have NOT watched the news....
    Well, hang in and maybe get some chains? I am thinking of doing so.I have a 4X4 car

  4. 4 feet of SNOW :( boo hoo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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