Saturday, April 17, 2010

Busy day

The Backcountry Horsemen were doing a pack clinic at the LV arena this morning, and I'd volunteered to help sign people up. I had considered riding Dixie over to the arena, tying her, and doing my volunteer bit - but that plan fell by the wayside when I realized how much earlier I'd have to wake up. Like, 6 am early. On a Saturday. Instead I drove, like a 21st century American.

A couple of my friends were volunteering with me (Hi J!), so we had a good time talking. Then I noticed Zach and his mom pulling in with a trailer, and sign ups were pretty much over, so I went over to say hi. And I stayed for two hours! I kept meaning to leave, and saying "Ok, I'm leaving now," and then we'd all start talking about something else. They'd come down with the horses to meet their trimmer, so I got to meet the Famous Sassy and the Loudly Colored Bo. Sassy is stunning. She briefly made me want an Arab! Then she got all hot and bothered about a loose dog and went bolting around the large paddock and I realized I never want to go that fast, so I became content with my slow-ass Walkers again. ;)

Eventually I really (no really!) left, got briefly stuck in conversation with J and M again, then made it home where I had lunch. I grabbed the Cersei and went back over and took Dixie for a short ride.

I put the boots on her again and went over to the arena. The BCH clinic was closing up, but a few people were there for me to talk to. Cersei got a drink from the stock tank, Dixie got the great displeasure of standing still while I talked, then we headed back for home.

The boots (Renegades) are performing fine, I think. Dixie only stumbled once, when she was totally not looking at the trail, and she is starting to feel less "clunky" in them. I am still kind of wary about letting her canter in the boots, but she's gotten a few strides in here and there and we haven't crashed and burned. I think if I keep riding in boots til Washoe she'll do ok booted there. I'd love to show off her totally amazing feet for everybody to see - but I don't want to stone bruise her on those nasty Washoe Valley trails.

Tomorrow I'm going to do a longer ride with ~C, up into Hungry Valley. I'm thinking 10-15 miles? We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming over to say high to us! Yes, Sassy was HAULING ASS , but don't you think it would be fun to ride that! :p

    Nice to see you, hopefully we can meet up for a ride sometime!


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